Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day in the Life of a KM'er

Rockin' the Library Day in the Life meme.  Here it is.

7:30 AM settle in - get ice water, log in, & open multiple programs
7:45 Begin to research advertising possibilities for client
9:00 Respond to email queries regarding potential candidates
9:30 continue advert research
10:00 interview associate regarding information needs (KM audit)
11:30 working lunch with presentation from onboarding firm
1:00 team meetings
1:30 break out meetings regarding individual clients
2:45 continue advert research
4:00 respond to various emails
5:00 meet with associate about document formatting
6:25 complete advert research with proper formatting and send out

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NPR on ALA's Book Cart Competition

Oh yeah. 


OPPL Warrior Librarians 1st place Book Cart Drill Team ALA 2009

34x25x36 on PBS' POV

Always a friend of POV, here's the email I received.

I'm thrilled to let you know that the short film 34x25x36 is screening on P.O.V. on August 18th -- at 10pm (est). The film takes a look at mannequins, perfection and religion. Tune in if you can. We've started a blog for discussions and feedback www.JesseDocs.com.
34x25x36 is part of a larger project on media and physical perfection called BODY TYPED. Info and clips are also up on the film blog.
In addition -- New Day Films is putting out a  DVD compilation for teachers and community educators -- to start people talking. Let me know if you want any more info about this.
Best regards,
Jesse Epstein

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Libraries as Knowledge Consultants

Knowledge Consultancy Services in Libraries from Marcin Ignac on Vimeo.

When libraries face dramatic funding cuts, some react by cutting services, hours, etc.  What if we were proactive? 

I know that some of our public libraries offer consultancy services, but what if this was more systematic and as well developed as Marcin's concept.  Using technology to connect, collaborate, and project manage asynchronously/synchronously with librarians, patrons, and other potential stake holders is genius.  The potential of Google's Wave might address this.  However, a wiki hosted locally would help ensure data sustainability.

Description: "Service concept for danish libraries developed during Service Design course at CIID."

Hamburg Kunsthalle Projection

555 KUBIK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

Transforming space through video.  amazing.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

MoMA's I See

MoMA: I See

Great storytelling.  How art can connect to our everyday lives.

Via: Chuck Palmer

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ohio Library Council Nixes '09 Convention

image: hold | cancel by wootam!

Budgets that had already been reduced face further reductions in Ohio.  Not good news for professional development.

Read the full story @ LJ

Via: Karen Schneiderman on FB

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Contemporary Library Design

Interesting design with touches of Gehry & Pei. Compelling fly-throughs & music.

Norfolk Library Time Capsule

Can't help but think of that awful movie Knowing.  I'm not even going to link to it...it was that bad.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Librarians on school/public library partnerships

sarah krygier interview: school + public library collaboration from anna koval on Vimeo.

"this is an interview with sarah krygier, the young adult librarian at the solano county library in fairfield, california.

it was made by anna koval for her portion of program, "it takes two: school and public libraries, partnerships that can work," which was presented at the american library association's annual conference in chicago, illinois in july 2009.

anna koval did the recording and editing and scott hess did the special effects. copyright 2009."

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Libraries that Make Noise: Brisbane City Council Library

Brisbane City Council Library from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.

About 7 min. in they talk about the library's "noise floor" (i.e. Sound & Vision Lounge) where live concerts are held every Sunday. Cool.

About 10 min. in they demonstrate their electrochromic glass. Very cool.